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[-- RIVET --]
Jul 29, 2023
In History & Updates
The Congress UFO Hearing is going OFF on all kinds of intelligence about extraterrestrial life. This shit is real, just like we all knew! We're talking a MULTI-DECADE PROGRAM, folks. The government IS in possession of UAPs. "Nonhuman biologics" have been found at crash sites. UFOs have been seen accelerating to supersonic speeds... I'm going crazy over here with the implications of all this. Do you think that ET life would be a threat to humanity? Why or why not? (I mean.. I guess thanks to Janus, we'll find out, won't we?)
7/27/2023: UFO Congress Hearing content media
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 26, 2023
In General Chat
Hey everyone! So, Janus and I have been talking, as you might have seen... And like Janus has been talking about in Sightings & Evidence, she has an opportunity for us. (You can read everything she said about it HERE) Anyway.. we talked about it, and I feel confident that this is gonna be an incredible opportunity. Janus has invited us to meet the ETs that have been contacting her! What gets me jazzed about this is that we're going to meet some ETs that the government has never met before. That's so fucking rare. With Congress meeting about government secrets around ETs RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK, it feels so fitting that we're gonna circumvent their whole system and get some first-hand knowledge beyond anything even that hearing can tell us. Anyway. The deal is, these ETs are interested in conducting some kind of research on humans. They're trying to understand us or something. In return, they're gonna help us evolve. Do I know exactly what that means? No, I don't. Janus is a bit tight-lipped about the whole thing. I didn't realize the ETs would have so many "rules"... But watching her dream writing and talking to her about her experiences has me thinking this is legit. So, I think we should go. I'm going to. I have everyone's emails from when you signed up for the forum. So you can expect to hear some details from me soon. Keep an eye on your inboxes. If you're game, show up. Hope to see you there.
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 21, 2023
In History & Updates
This could be groundbreaking, guys. The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UFOs and UAPs next week (!!) David Grusch, the former intelligence community official, alleged last month that the U.S. government has a covert program focused on recovering debris from crashed, non-human origin spacecraft and is attempting to reverse-engineer the technology. Apparently Grusch will testify at the upcoming hearing along with two former Navy pilots, including one who recorded a widely seen video of a UAP near his fighter jet. There's a lot of talk about the government not trusting the people, and them hiding shit from us, and how that needs to stop. I, for one, would not be surprised. We all knew about this shit years ago. The rest of the public's just about to catch up. We should all keep our eyes on this next week. I wonder what's gonna come to light.
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 18, 2023
In General Chat
What are your favorites?? Give me more stuff to read and watch!
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 18, 2023
In General Chat
I've heard that some people get horny about this stuff. I can see it. The whole thing is kinda hot... being probed, inspected, taken against your will and all that as mysterious things happen to you. Mind control. I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I can see how some might fantasize. Is there anyone here who has fantasies around ET encounters? If so, do you want to share?
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 18, 2023
In History & Updates
Whistleblower David Charles Grusch is spitting truths about how non-human spacecrafts and the bodies of ET pilots have been found by the US government for DECADES! He's a former intelligence officer, so the credibility could be there. But there is a stark lack of proof. Of course, this is how the lawmakers and Pentagon reacted. It's sketchy to me. What do you think? Is the government letting this air for some reason? Not a lot of news outlets covered it. Why? Is there any real credibility to this at all?
6/7/2023: Military Whistleblower content media
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 18, 2023
In History & Updates
Holy shit, guys. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is leading a new effort that seeks to establish a commission to declassify United States government documents and other materials related to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). The new legislation, currently referenced as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023, will provide “the expeditious disclosure of unidentified anomalous phenomena records." The legislation is expected to be introduced as an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act. Schumer, who was also quoted in the release, said that Americans have “a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena.” The amendment would require the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration to collect UAP records from all relevant government offices under "a presumption of immediate disclosure," and a review board would have to provide a rationale for keeping documents classified. I would personally LOVE to see this happen. What about you?? Has anyone looked more into this?
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 18, 2023
In History & Updates
In 1957, Antônio Villas Boas was plowing fields with his tractor in rural Brazil when he was taken against his will by a group of 5-foot-tall ETs. Once on their spaceship, he was put in a room where they released some sort of gas that made him sick. Then an attractive, naked woman with long platinum-blonde hair, fire-red pubic hair and deep-blue cat eyes, came to him and forced him to have intercourse. According to Villas Boas, she wanted to produce an alien-human hybird that she would raise on her planet. When he got back, Villas Boas was covered in radiation burns, with no memory of how he got them. American researcher and skeptic Peter Rogerson questioned the veracity of Villas Boas' narrative, arguing that an article about alien abduction had appeared in the widely popular magazine O Cruzeiro in November 1957. He noted that Villas Boas' story only started to gain popularity in 1958 and that Villas Boas could have predated his "encounter" to give it more credibility. Also, Rogerson argued that Villas Boas was influenced (as were many other abductees) by the popular, sensationalist narratives of ufologist Georges Adamski. Most abduction stories have elements in common with that of Villas Boas: kidnapping in an alien spaceship, medical exams that center around the human reproductive system — or explicit sexual contact with extraterrestrials — and mysterious marks left on the body. What do you think? Was Villas Boas making it all up? Or was he really abducted?
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In History & Updates
We can't talk about ETs without talking about the Roswell Incident. It's the most famous American UFO sighting of all time! It all started on June 14, 1967, in Roswell, New Mexico. A rancher and his son were driving across their land and encoutered "a large area of bright wreckage made up of rubber strips, tinfoil, tough paper, and sticks." Eventually, this got to General Roger W. Ramey, commander of the 8th Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas. Major Jesse Marcel, an intelligence office from the base, was sent with a sheriff to return to the cite and collect all of the "wreckage." As they tried to ascertain what the materials were, Marcel chose to make a public statement. On July 8, Marcel’s comments ran in the local afternoon newspaper, the Roswell Daily Record, alongside a headline stating “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell.” The body of the story contained a dramatic, memorable sentence: “The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into the possession of a Flying Saucer.” But was it true? On July 9, an Air Force official clarified the paper’s report: The alleged “flying saucer,” he said, was only a crashed weather balloon. However, to anyone who had seen the debris (or the newspaper photographs of it), it was clear that whatever this thing was, it was no weather balloon. Some people believed–and still believe–that the crashed vehicle had not come from Earth at all. They argued that the debris in Brazel’s field must have come from an alien spaceship. It didn't help that throughout the 1950s, the Air Force conduced a series of secret “dummy drops” over air bases, test ranges and unoccupied fields across New Mexico. These experiments, meant to test ways for pilots to survive falls from high altitudes, sent bandaged, featureless dummies with latex “skin” and aluminum “bones”–dummies that looked an awful lot like space aliens were supposed to–falling from the sky onto the ground, whereupon military vehicles would descend on the landing site to retrieve the “bodies” as quickly as possible.  It turned out that the U.S. military was way more into civilians thinking there was an alien spaceship than telling them the truth in this case. The Army now says that the debris in the rancher's field outside Roswell actually belonged to Project Mogul. Project Mogul used sturdy high-altitude balloons to carry low-frequency sound sensors into the tropopause, a faraway part of the Earth’s atmosphere that acts as a sound channel. In this part of the atmosphere, sound waves can travel for thousands of miles without interference, much like under the ocean. Scientists believed that if they sent microphones into this sound channel, they would be able to eavesdrop on nuclear tests as far away as the Soviet Union. Apparently, the discovered debris was the remains of a 700-foot-long string of neoprene balloons, radar reflectors (for tracking) and sonic equipment that the scientists had launched from the Alamogordo base in June and that had, evidently, crashed in early July 1947. Because it was highly classified, no one knew what to make of it, and no one from Alamorgordo could step in to clear things up. ... But hey, I don't really know. Could they have been covering up something extraterrestrial, too? And even if the Roswell Incident was more a case of covering up nuclear espionage than extraterrestrial life, we know the government is covering up ETs all the time.
The Roswell Incident content media
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In History & Updates
Project Blue Book was the Air Force name for a project that investigated UFO reports between 1947 and 1969. On December 17, 1969, the project was terminated, and all related documentation was turned over to the National Archives and Record Service. Over the course of the investigation, 12,618 sightings were reported. 701 remain unidentified. Now, the original Project Blue Book stated that they terminated because they found no threat to national security, no evidence that "unidentified" sightings represent technological advances beyond the then-known human scope, and no evidence that the sightings were extraterrestrial vehicles. However. As with any government project, it doesn't seem to be all above board. The National Archives received numerous inquiries concerning documents identified as "MJ12" and "Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12." These searches were all negative with the exception of a "Memorandum for General Twining, from Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to the President, Subject: "NCS/MJ-12 Special Studies Project" dated July 14, 1954. The memorandum refers to a briefing to take place on July 16. It does not identify MJ-12 or the purpose of the briefing, and there is no other evidence. On September 12, 1989, 10 years later, a new Project Blue Book apparently attempted to continue from the original. Someone contacted Mr. William S Sessions, Director of the FBI. I was able to find this letter in the FBI vault. It shouldn't be a surprise that Mr. Sessions was of no help, and I'm not sure where the New Project Blue Book ended up going, if anywhere. This was the reply: Of course the FBI was of no help. We civilians have to do everything ourselves.
Project Blue Book content media
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In Theories
We've heard the sightings, abduction accounts, weird evidences of potential extraterrestrial life... but if they are here, then what are they doing here? Why have they chosen Earth as a place worth coming to? Why would they decide to visit us? Share what you think.
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In Sightings and Evidence
Curious about what UFO sizes and shpes have been sighted? Let's talk about it. #1: Flying Saucers / Discs This is the most common shape. It's what you're probably thinking of when you imagine a UFO. What's in the old movies and all that. It can look like a doughnut, two saucers facing each other, or a saucer bottom with a domed top. They can be big or small, and tend to make sound and give off a beam of light. To "beam you up" and all that. #2: Flying Cigars Kind of a funny concept, huh? A metal cigar flying through the sky. Well, that's just about what it is. Long and narrow like a jet plane (or... you know... a cigar), sometimes even said to emit smoke from one end. #3: Flying Footballs Y'know, football shapes. Or blimp shapes. Either one. The thing that's interesting about these is, sometimes they're covered in metal like the others, but sometimes they're covered in some quiltlike cloth material. #4: Flying Boomerangs One account of a boomerang UFO was by Monique O'Driscoll and her daughter Maureen on February 26, 1983. They claim the object passed directly over their car while they were on an isolated country road. They've described it as at least 200 feet across, with a surface that reminded them of a bridge with crisscrossed metal beams. It was silent, moving slowly, with some fifty lights flashing all over the place. Another sighting described a boomerang UFO as being brightly-lit and brown. Who knows! #5: Flying Triangles UFOlogists aren't sure if boomerangs and triangles are different objects, or the same object seen at different angles. But who knows, maybe they are different. In one sighting of a triangular UFO, a woman claimed she was woken up by an indescribable sound. She looked out her window to see a huge triangular object hovering in the sky. Unlike other UFOs that have flashing lights, this one had a steady red light at the top, and a white light at each bottom corner. It was described as "massive" and "heavy." Have you seen any UFOs or UAPs that fit these descriptions? Or maybe you've seen something totally new? Let us know!
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In General Chat
Hey guys! Thanks for joining this forum. Creating it has been my little baby for the past couple of months. Just wanted to give some background info on me or at least what I feel comfortable sharing over the Internet, which could be surveilled via government forces. I've been participating in the search for extra terrestrial life for over a 15 years now. It all started getting really serious for me in 2008 when I first visited the Allen Telescope Array - which I'm sure you've already heard of but if you haven't, it's the only telescope array that is dedicated entirely too listening for extra terrestrials and it's run by SETI. While visiting I made contact with folks, who's sources of information goes deeper than I am allowed to divulge. Since then it's been my all consuming passion and every day I know I'm getting closer to uncovering the truth. Would love to get to know you guys, so feel free to tell me how you got interested in extraterrestrials!
My Background content media
[-- RIVET --]
Jul 17, 2023
In Sightings and Evidence
Hey guys, I saw this video on TikTok a little bit ago. At first I wrote it off as another fake one made by some influencer trying to get views but some folks with insider intel are convinced it's real. What are your thoughts? Especially wanna know what Janus thinks.
Tiktok Video - real or hoax content media
[-- RIVET --]
May 23, 2023
In New? Start Here ---->
First time on a forum like this? Here are some terms that you may or may not encounter, in case you don't wanna use Google. Astrobiology - The study of the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. Drake Equation - The Drake equation is an idea, proposed by American astronomer Frank Drake in 1961, that the number of potential civilizations in the universe can be calculated if we know a few key variables. The formula for the Drake equation is: N = R* x 𝑓p x ne x 𝑓1 x 𝑓i x 𝑓c x L N is the number of civilizations in the Milky Way whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable; R* is the average rate of star formation in our galaxy; fp is the fraction of those stars with planetary systems; ne is the number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life; fl is the fraction of these planets that actually develop life; fi is the fraction of life-bearing planets that develop intelligent life; fc is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space; and L is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space. Extraterrestrial (or ET) - Outside, or originating outside, the limits of the earth. A more official name for what common people might call an "alien." Fermi Paradox - The dichotomy between the high probability that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and the fact that we have no evidence for such aliens.  Greys - Grey aliens, sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans, Grays, or simply Greys, are the most commonly reported species involved in UFOlogical cases. They've been described as short, thin humanoids with grey skin; a large head; long fingers; large, black eyes; small slits for a nose; and a small mouth. In some cases, they have been reported as capable of telepathy. SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence UAP - Unidentified Aerial (or Anomalous) Phenomena. Observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena, from a scientific perspective. UFO - Unidentified Flying Object. Any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially one assumed by some observers to be of extraterrestrial origin. Zoo Hypothesis - Extraterrestrials are keeping their distance to allow humans to evolve without interference. This relates to the "Prime Directive" concept in Star Trek - a principle that Starfleet officers must refrain from contacting a species too early in their development or interfering with that development in any way - even at the expense of their lives.
[-- RIVET --]
May 22, 2023
In New? Start Here ---->
The rules are pretty simple, and you'll see them whenever you try to make a post. But just in case: 1. No spam or solicitation. Keep that shit to your emails or whatever. 2. Anyone can create a new post, as long as it's on topic. Try not to say the same exact thing as someone else, though. 3. Any post you see is open for responses and discussion unless it says [CLOSED] 4. Don't ask for anyone's personal information, and don't be a creep. 5. No spoiling anyone's fun. You know what I mean. 6. Don't be a dick or a troll. We're a tight-knit online community. If you asked me for advice, I'd tell you to be curious. Engage. Get to know people. Share ideas and stuff. You could even start by looking into what the Fermi Paradox is. That's what I named this forum after - because it exists to debunk that paradox. I've got some theories. Read around, I guess. You'll see them. Draw your own conclusions. Make your own connections. Anyone could be wrong, and anyone could be right.

[-- RIVET --]



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